Photo 264050689 © Henk Wallays
Tree bumblebee
Bombus hypnorum
Prefered habitat -
open woodlands , gardens
Nectar & Pollen Sources -
These bees are particularly drawn to downward hanging flowers like comfrey, but will also visit the flowers of fruit trees and shrubs (like bramble), fuscia and other garden plants.
Local Site -
Hendre Lake
A Bit About Me
The tree bumblebee is a relatively new arrival to the UK. It was first recorded here in 2001 and is slowly spreading north throughout the country. It can now be found in much of England and Wales and has reached Southern Scotland. It is associated with open woodland, so is commonly found in gardens that have a similar type of habitat. It nests in cavities, such as old birds' nests, bird boxes, or roof spaces.
It visits a wide range of flowers, particularly those of soft fruits, such as raspberries and blackberries. It emerges from hibernation early in the spring, around February or early March. Males are seen in late May and June, and adults can still be seen in late autumn if nests have a second generation.
The tree bumblebee ( 1.0-1.6cm long) has fuzzy, browny-orange hairs on its thorax, a black abdomen, and a white tail.