Reptiles & Amphibians
The area is home to a variety of reptile & amphibian species all contributing to the rich biodiversity of the green space.
Grass Snake
Britain’s longest snake, grass snakes are lethal hunters of frogs, toads and other small creatures
Common Lizard
The common lizard basks in the warmth of the sun along woodland edges, sunny glades and rides. ​
Smooth Newt
Also known as the common newt, this species lives up to its name. Smooth newts are widespread across the UK and are often found in garden ponds
Palmate Newt
The UK's smallest newts.
Smooth and palmate newts are very similar in colouring and size.​
Common Toad
The common toad spends much of its year in moist, shaded places, often in woodland, feeding on worms, slugs and insects.
photo Chris Harris
Common Frog
Smooth. Slick. Slippery. These quick-jumping masters of disguise are regular visitors to garden ponds.​
photo Mike Shepherd