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Woodlands Cut Back Cath Cobb Woods Sun 2nd June 2024 10.00am-12.00pm

Updated: Jul 4

We returned to our Ancient Woodlands this morning, Cath Cobb Woods, in the glorious sunshine to cut back along the pathways so they are more accessible and safer for all. 8 of us, including the park ranger, cut back bramble and nettle encroaching on the paths throughout the woods, and cut down some low, over hanging hazel branches which we then added to our dead hedges, which helps stop people from stepping on flowers like bluebells and wood anemone and also creating a habitat for our little insect friends.

Some litter picked the area too, which sadly, is always needed. They filled a few bags with food and drink litter. We also checked on the woodland glade area that we cleared of bramble earlier in the year and then planted native wildflowers from Celtic Wildflowers in early April. The Red Campions, Primroses and Foxgloves are doing well. It will become more established in the next year or two. We spotted a Jay, ladybirds, speckled wood butterflies, spittle bugs/frog hoppers (one accidentally caught a ride on a volunteers arm but was carefully placed back), and a Red Cardinal Beetle.

Thank you all for your efforts today.

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