Early bumblebee
Bombus pratorum
Prefered habitat -
Found in all kinds of habitats throughout the UK including woodlands and gardens
Nectar & Pollen Sources -
Not a fussy nectar collector having been recorded visiting more than 140 different flower species. Very important pollinator of soft fruit such as raspberries and blackberries
Local Site -
Hendre Lake
A Bit About Me
Very common in the UK and emerges to begin its colony cycle as early as February, hence the name . It can sometimes go through two colony cycles in a year and continues flying through to July .
Early bumblebees nest underground in colonies of fewer than 100 workers often using the old nests of small mammals but have also been known to utilise old bird nests
The early bumblebee is relatively small with distinctive lemon-yellow bands on its thorax and abdomen and a bright orange tail